The MorpheAUS Journey RSS

The MorpheAUS Journey Part 1

The MorpheAUS journey began last year in 2019 when my entrepreneurship journey of over 6 years expanded into e-commerce. I named it MorpheAUS (Morpheus) because of it meaning the God of Dreams, as well wanting MorpheAUS to be 'morphing' into other businesses all over Australia. Always growing, always expanding. Providing jobs to Australians and contributing to build Australia. I've been building this store since August of that year and our product range has been growing ever since. I've worked in retail for 13 years, watching how businesses take advantage of customer loyalty with minimal promotions to reward them. MorpheAUS was launched in January 2020. It was that same month, I was organising flights to China to start looking into exporting Australian products....

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